Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Newly Updated Shop!

Hi all! I am slowly trying to work my shop stock up to 100 items and keep it there - good luck, right? Well, I am up to 74 so far, so go take a look if you haven't been there in a while! I just sent in my first samples to PhatFiber as a contributor to the September box. I think I should have shipped them differently, though. I sent them in the regular envelopes I use to ship my products, and it took 3 of them to hold them all! So hopefully they all arrive pretty close together and all intact! I must find some recycled boxes for my next contribution!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Needs versus Wants...

2 Things: I am NEEDING to clean and reorganize my craft room (aka home studio) so that I can get to ANYTHING without having to step over EVERYTHING, and secondly, I am WANTING to keep ordering, creating, and selling, which requires use of said craft room. Under current conditions, it is a danger zone! I have thought many times that if I am not careful of where I step, I am sure drag the spinning wheel at least a foot across the room before I fall over it inadvertently when it catches onto my pant leg, which happens when I raise my leg to step around the containers of sparkle, locks, and silk lying on the floor next to the carder, which I cannot get to for all the bits of roving laying on the desk from batts now completed, or waiting to be completed. 
But I am sure most creative fiber artists stuck in a small studio have similar issues. Right? (Or at lea
st I tell myself that to get out of the "you really should clean-up around here" guilt trip I put on myself)! I DO have a fabulously organized huge closet, and have a pretty good system for my smaller groups of fiber, it's just that when you are "in the groove", carding, spinning, taking photos (another blog on this later... ugh!), packagin
g, etc., etc., one must actually pull these fibers from their neatly stacked and labeled homes. And this, my Fun
kyFiberFriends, is why I live in this Danger Zone. After all, if it were neat and tidy all the time, how COULD one create?

Until the larger studio...

On a side note, check out what I spun up from the PhatFiber June Fluff Box! One good sized skein (90 yds) of all the blues, greens, purples, & white samples that came in the box were spun up very randomly. The second skein is a mini (40 yds) that I created because 2 of the samples I received were coral and tan (roving and locks). I added a little of some gold mohair locks I purchased from Goat, Goat, Sheep, and out came this beautiful tail spun creation.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When I feel better...

Well, if I could ever get over this cough and sore throat, I will be working night and day on new FunkyFiberFatts and new handspun yarns. 

Elizabeth (my 2 year old) and I have been sick for 2 weeks - seems like forever. Went to the doc today, though, and we both got antibiotics for the sinus infections we seem to have gotten as a 'thank you' note from the cold we once had. I am usually pretty healthy, only getting sick once per year or so. But his year has been really tough. I had strep throat in January (no one else in my family had it or ever got it from me... weird...), then last month I had a cold or something that left behind bronchitis (so sweet....), then my older daughter had a sore throat for at least 2 weeks, then I got it... no other symptoms. Just a very sore throat. Went away on it's own, finally. YES!!! I was illness-free!!!  ... for about 2 days. Then the cold, now the infection. What a year.

So, here I am, waiting to wake up one morning and think, "Hey, I'm not sick any more!!!" Until then, I cough, take my nyquil, and thank the Lord that we only have little colds and sinus infections... and look forward to feeling up to working in my home studio again...

Until then, I WON'T be in my craft room...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

And I thought I would never do this...

Well, this is what it has come to, and I'm excited! I thought I would NEVER start a blog... really? What do I have to say that would be so interesting to others that they would take time out of their busy schedules to read my posts? But here I am, ready or not! Hopefully I will keep up with this thing called technology and this new form of media... so far I am facebooking, tweeting AND NOW, blogging! Kinda feels nice... if you need me, I'll be in my craft room...

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